This (High Precision 2A) mandrel system is used for the following kits:
- Slim Pen/Pencil
- Streamlined Slim Pen
- 7mm Euro
- Streamlined Round Top 7mm Pen
- Carbara Pen
- Cigar Pen/Pencil
- Sierra
- Sierra Button Click Pen
- Any bushing indicated with an "A"
- Important: Please read the FAQ below for
information on why the high precision system is more accurate than the precision
- Important: This mandrel shaft is slightly shorter than the precision system. You may not be able to turn both tubes of the 7mm Euro at the same time with this shaft.
- The shafts ("A" and "B") are NOT interchangeable with any of the Morse Tapers.
Each shaft requires a corresponding Morse Taper.
- See the
Bushings and Mandrels FAQ for more general information.