What are the mix and match categories? What items are included in the mix and match categories?
Currently there are 22 mix and match categories.
Pen Kits Mix and Match Category: All pen kits are a part of the pen kits category. The discount level for each individual pen kit is determined by
the total number of ALL pen kits in the shopping cart. Bushings, tubes, drill bits,
etc are not included.
Acrylic Pen Blanks Mix and Match Category: All acrylic pen blanks are a part of the acrylic pen blanks category. The discount level for
each individual acrylic pen blank is determined by
the total number of ALL acrylic pen blanks in the shopping cart. Natural
wood blanks are not included.
Parts and Accessories Mix and Match Category: Some parts and accessories are a part of this discount category. The discount level for
each individual item is determined by
the total number of ALL qualifying items in the shopping cart.
Bottle Stopper Kits Mix and Match Category: All bottle stopper kits are a part of the bottle stopper kits category. The discount level for
each individual acrylic pen blank is determined by
the total number of ALL bottle stopper blanks in the shopping cart.
Bottle Stopper Blanks Mix and Match Category: All acrylic bottle stopper blanks are a part of the bottle stopper blanks category. The discount level for
each individual acrylic bottle stopper blank is determined by
the total number of ALL acrylic bottle stopper blanks in the shopping cart. Natural
wood blanks are not included.
Other Project Kits Mix and Match Category: All other project kits are a part of the other project kits category. The discount level for
each individual kit is determined by the total number of ALL other project kits in the shopping cart. This includes: key rings, perfume sprayers, bracelet helpers, and others. See the "Other Project Kits" category in the upper left hand corner of any page for all the applicable kits.
Kallenshaan Laser Inlay Blank Kits Mix and Match Category: All of the laser blank kits are a part of this category.
The discount level for each individual item in this category is determined by the total number of
ALL other items in the shopping cart that are a part of this category.
Specialty Pen Blanks Mix and Match Category: All of the higher end Specialty Pen Blanks are a part of this category.
The discount level for each individual item in this category is determined by the total number of
ALL other items in the shopping cart that are a part of this category. This includes: Amalgam-Mutt Pen Blanks, Color Explosion Pen Blanks, Lava Lamp Pen Blanks, Lava Explosion Pen Blanks, Mono Swirl Pen Blanks, and Beyond Wood Products Pen Blanks
Pen Refills Mix and Match Category: All of the pen refills are a part of this category.
The discount level for each individual item in this category is determined by the total number of
ALL other items in the shopping cart that are a part of this category. This includes: Parker Style Refills, Cross Style Refills, Rollerball Refills, Pencil Mechanism, Fountain Pen Ink Pumps. (The Fountain Pen cartridges are NOT included.)
Specialty Larger Blanks Mix and Match Category: The larger specialty blanks are a part of this category.
The discount level for each individual item in this category is determined by the total number of
ALL other items in the shopping cart that are a part of this category. This includes: 1.5 x 6 and 2.5 x 3 blanks from both Amalgam-Mutts and Beyond Wood Products.
Circuit Board Blanks Mix and Match Category: All of the Circuit Board blanks are a part of this category.
The discount level for each individual item in this category is determined by the total number of
ALL other items in the shopping cart that are a part of this category. This includes: Sierra Circuit Board Blanks, Cigar Circuit Board Blanks
Game Call Kits and Blanks Mix and Match Category: The STAT call kits and the larger acrylic blanks are a part of this category.
The discount level for each individual item in this category is determined by the total number of
ALL other items in the shopping cart that are a part of this category. This includes: STAT call inserts, 1.5 x 3 and 1.5 x 6 Bear Tooth Woods Acrylic Call Blanks (The bigger Amalgam-Mutt blanks are in a separate category.)
Pre-tubed pecialty Blank Mix and Match Category: The handmade pre-tubed pen blanks are a part of this category.
The discount level for each individual item in this category is determined by the total number of
ALL other items in the shopping cart that are a part of this category. This includes: Campaign Ribbon Blanks, Japanese Paper Blanks, Steampunk Blanks, Braided Blanks made in the USA
Antler Blank Mix and Match Category: All of the antler pen blanks are a part of this category.
The discount level for each individual item in this category is determined by the total number of
ALL other items in the shopping cart that are a part of this category. This includes: All Anter Blanks
Easy Wood Tool Mix and Match Category: All of the Easy Wood tools are a part of this category.
The discount level for each individual item in this category is determined by the total number of
ALL other items in the shopping cart that are a part of this category. This includes: All Easy Wood Tools
Easy Wood Accessories Mix and Match Category: All of the Easy Wood accessories are a part of this category.
The discount level for each individual item in this category is determined by the total number of
ALL other items in the shopping cart that are a part of this category. This includes: All Easy Wood Accessories
10 Inch Brass Tubes Mix and Match Category: All of the 10 inch tubes are a part of this category.
The discount level for each individual item in this category is determined by the total number of
ALL other items in the shopping cart that are a part of this category. This includes: All 10 inch tubes (including colored 10 inch tubes)
Other Call Making Supplies Mix and Match Category: All of the accent bands are a part of this category.
The discount level for each individual item in this category is determined by the total number of
ALL other items in the shopping cart that are a part of this category. This includes: All duck call accent bands
Jimmy Clewes Fillers Mix and Match Category: All of the Jimmy Clewes filler products are a part of this category.
The discount level for each individual item in this category is determined by the total number of
ALL other items in the shopping cart that are a part of this category.
Super Plush Pen Pouch Mix and Match Category: All of the Super Plush Pen Pouches are a part of this category.
The discount level for each individual item in this category is determined by the total number of
ALL other items in the shopping cart that are a part of this category.
Velvet Pen Sleeve Mix and Match Category: All of the Velvet Pen Sleeve products (excluding the packs of 120 pieces) are a part of this category.
The discount level for each individual item in this category is determined by the total number of
ALL other items in the shopping cart that are a part of this category.
Other items (boxes, drill bits, bushings, etc) are not in any mix and match
If an item does not display the mix and match image
it is
not a part of any mix and match category.
How do I know my current discount level?
The best way to know where you stand for discounts, is to go to the
individual product information page for any product you are interested in. There
you will notice (if applicable) what the price breaks are, how many qualifying
items you have in your cart, and how many items you need to add to get to the
next discount level. An image from the product information page is shown below
with important details highlighted.
1. The mix and match image
appears anytime an item is in 1 of the mix and match categories. The
accompanying text indicates which category this item is in. In this case, the
Lava Flows pen blank is in the Acrylic Pen Blanks mix and match category.
2. This row appears whenever you have qualifying items in your cart. It shows
how many qualifying items are in the cart, and how many more you need to add to
get to the next discount level. Qualifying items are any items that are in the
same discount category as the item you are looking at. In this case, since you are looking at an acrylic pen blank,
the qualifying items are acrylic pen blanks and you have 21
of them in your cart and if you order 9 more acrylic pen blanks you
will receive the next price discount level. The 3 lava flows pen blanks have not
been added to the cart yet. The discount level only changes after an item is
added to the cart.
3. This indicator shows which discount level you are at, it only appears when
you have qualifying items in your cart. In this case, you are at the 20+
discount level, and if you add 9 more (see #2) items, you will be at the 30+
discount level.
4. This shows the contents of your shopping cart.
In this case, you can see
that there are 21 acrylic pen blanks, and even though you do not have any lava
flows blanks in the cart, you are already at the 20+ discount level because of
the other qualifying items. The 15 pen kits in the cart do not impact the price
of the acrylic pen blanks. They would impact the price of pen kits.