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Alumilite Seconds Grab Bag - Glitter & Glow - 10 pack
Quantity in stock = 18
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Price for each$90.00
Alumilite Seconds Grab Bag - Glitter & Glow - 10 pack
Click to enlargeClick photo to enlarge.

The term “seconds” is used to describe blanks Tori deemed not up to our quality standards for full price products. The only reason they were deemed seconds is because of a minor flaw like color separation, glitter gaps or size/cut (too small, uneven, etc) inaccuracies. They are all bubble-free and safe for turning.

The Seconds blanks of existing colors we carry are all labeled with the color name and marked as “Seconds”. The Blanks marked “Test” are all blanks Tori created in her color lab during testing for blanks she is working on. Some of these Test blanks were early versions of blanks that ended up in our final inventory. There is a small bunch of these blanks in the bags that are completely unique and most likely will never be replicated again.

Includes Test Blanks, Seconds of Alumilite Glow Blanks, Graffiti Melt, Limited Edition, Alumilite Glitter and Glitter Swirl blanks. Each bag will contain a unique mix of blanks as Tori tried to include as much variety as possible per bag.

Our Glitter Alumilite blanks have that butter-smooth turn that you've come to expect from Alumilite, however the glitter does tend to make a mess. Expect to find glitter for a while after you turn. When finishing the Glitter blank, we've found that using a CA finish has given us the smoothest finish. If you don’t use a CA Finish (we use a few coats of Super Thin), you can feel the slightest texture of the glitter on the surface of your turned blank.

Small voids in any Glitter blanks are to be expected. We put a lot of glitter in these blanks and some air bubbles and small tear-outs will occur when turning. We recommend using medium viscosity CA glue to fill these voids while the lathe is turned off. Be absolutely sure the CA glue has FULLY cured before you turn the lathe back on.

These Glitter Alumilite blanks are made in-house here at Bear Tooth Woods.

Some of the colors you might get in your pack
Some of the colors you might get in your pack
Click to enlargeClick image to enlarge.
Odd cut and size examples
Odd cut and size examples
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