Price is per blank. The blanks shown are representative of the blank you will receive, but are not necessarily the exact blank you will receive.
Dimensions: 3/4"+ x 5"+
Material: Alumilite
Base Color(s): Transparent Orange
Dye Colors: Opaque Orange, Beige, Green, Black
Transparency: High
- All dyes are opaque unless otherwise noted.
Tori loves coming up with new colors in the graffiti melt style blanks so she came up with 2 for this Halloween Collection. Pumpkin Guts features a mix of opaque green, beige, orange and black in a bed of transparent orange resin. Hopefully turning this blank will be a little less messy than carving out the guts from your real pumpkins.
Graffiti Melt blanks are cast using a mix of dyes poured in a bed of transparent resin. Where there is opaque dyes the transparency will be low, but where there is no dye and hence just the transparent base resin the transparency will be high.
Video closeup of the blank: